Using Acrobat Search Indexes

Mar 30, 1999

The CodeWarrior Documentation folder contains a search index (PDX files) for the PDF versions of documentation. A folder called "PDX Index" includes ancillary files necessary to perform the search.

Using PDX Indexes on your Hard Drive:

To use these indexes for virtually instantaneous keyword searches across specific documents, follow these steps.

Part 1: Determine which indexes are available

1. Launch Acrobat Reader.

2. Choose Search->Indexes from the Tools menu.

The Index Selection window appears listing all the currently available indexes.

Normally, only a single search index is displayed (Acrobat 3.0 Online Guides). To use the CodeWarrior indexes, you must add them to the Available Indexes list. See Step 2 for details on how to do that.

Part 2: Add additional search indexes

1. Click the Add button in the Index Selection window.

A standard open dialog appears.

2. Navigate to the folder containing the PDX index file.

The CodeWarrior Documentation folder contains a single index (PDX) file that contains an index of all PDF files on the CD. In addition, a folder with the same name as the PDX file contains files necessary to perform a search.

3. Select the PDX file, then click Open.

The PDX file is added to the list of Available Indexes.

4. Save your changes.

Click the OK button to close the window and save the modified search list.

Part 3: Perform a search

1. Choose Search->Query from the Tools menu.

2. Enter the string to search for, then click Search.

The search query will search all available seach indexes looking for matches. All results are displayed in a Search Results window.

NOTE: You do not need an open PDF document to perform a search.

2. Choose a document to open.

The document is highlighted in the list.

3. Click View.

The selected document is opened at the matching text.


Copied PDX File to Hard Disk, But Search Fails

If you've copied the PDX file to your hard disk in order to speed up searches, make sure that the associated search files stored in the PDX folder are also copied to your hard disk. For example, on CW Pro 5, the files and folders to copy to your hard disk include:
  • PDX Index.pdx
  • PDX Index (a folder)

Inside the CWPro folder are files necessary to use the search feature in Acrobat. Once all of the required files are copied, the search should work fine.

Index Name Disabled in Search List (Mac OS)

If the newly added index file is grayed out in the Available Indexes list, that is an indication that the memory partition for Acrobat Reader is too small. Increase the amount of RAM for Acrobat Reader. Select the Acrobat Reader icon in the Finder, then use the Get Info command in the Finder's File menu and increase the memory partition.

For more information on using Search, see the documentation that accompanies Acrobat Reader 3.0.2.

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